About Us


Afro-Asian Forum for Innovation and Technology

The Afro-Asian forum for innovation and technology was established to embrace the potent capability of technology to revolutionize every facet of human existence, from daily living to broad societal structures.
Guided by the core tenets of transparency, diversity, and open-source promotion, we aim to provide a unique platform to exchange ideas, foster innovation, and challenge existing norms in the Technology domain.
Our mission :is to mitigate the inherent biases often found in technology models, push for increased openness, and champion the democratic accessibility of technologies



Our Forum brings together a vibrant mix of participants – students crafting code,researchers evaluate thst code,engineers applying that code, startup founders envisioning new companies, and venture capitalists providing the necessary financial backing. By creating an ecosystem where these different entities can interact, collaborate, and innovate, we facilitate the translation of technology advancements into practical, life-enhancing solutions.
Afro-Asian Forum for Innovation and Technology

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Fourm Goals

  • improve competitions quality by increasing awareness of benefits of competitions and choosing new and innovative themes each year.
  • we reshape the future of human potential and social capital, from adaptive to multi-inclusive life-long education that fits everyone through training programs for young educators.
  • Establishing of AFFIAT Incubators for winner Teams to help them to become a startup.
  • Opening registration for individuals, organizations, schools and universities to participate in the AFFIAT community
  • Appointing Technospace Company to hire the main organization committee of AFFIAT.
  • Organizing semiannual conferences, Seminars and workshops to help researchers to improve their knowledge and skills.
  • Established AAFFIAT freelancers hub to connect between talent students and industry.
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