Afro-Asian Forum for Innovation and Technology

A Unique Opportunity to:
  • Join AFFIAT Incubators for winner Teams to help them to become a startup.
  • Attend semiannual conferences, Seminars and workshops to help researchers to improve their knowledge and skills.
  • Join AAFFIAT freelancers hub to connect between talent students and industry.
Coming Up

Afro-Asian Forum

Regional conference deal with research papers in different fields and technology competition that gather youths and students from all Africa annually to develop problem-solving skills and creativity in a fast-paced environment.




October, 2025


Malysia, October


Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 27-27 September


Dubai - United Arab of Emirates


Cairo- Egypt.


Luxor - Egypt.


International competition.

Our Goals

Competitions Quality

improve competitions quality by increasing awareness of benefits of competitions and choosing new and innovative themes each year.

Capacity Building

we reshape the future of human potential and social capital, from adaptive to multi-inclusive life-long education that fits everyone through training programs for young educators.

Startup Community

Establishing of AFFIAT Incubators for winner Teams to become a startup.

freelancers hub

Established AAFFIAT freelancers hub to connect between talent students and industry.

New People

Opening registration for individuals, organizations, schools and universities to participate in the AFFIAT community

AFFIAT Committee

Appointing Technospace Company to hire the main organization committee of AFFIAT.

knowledge & skills

Organizing semiannual conferences, Seminars and workshops to help researchers to improve their knowledge and skills.

Our Partners

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